Traffic Information
Traffic in Abidjan can be difficult to predict. Peak hours are generally between 7:30am - 9:00am and from 5:00pm - 7:30pm. However accidents are frequent which can also cause sudden traffic jams on the major roads and highways even during non-peak hours. It is helpful to look into traffic conditions and plan your route accordingly.
Some of the busiest roads with frequent congestion are Rue de Jardin in Cocody (two lane road with very heavy traffic), Boulevard Valerie Giscard d'Estaing (VGE) in Zone 4 (the road to the airport), Boulevard Mitterand, and Boulevard Lagunaire (on the way into the business district). Avoiding these areas at peak times will make your drive a little smoother, but sometimes it is impossible to avoid the Abidjan traffic!
Info Traffic on your Orange Mobile phone
For Orange Mobile phone customers only, you can get real-time traffic alerts by dialing #152#

Google Maps
Since 2013, Google Maps voice-guided navigation has become available in Abidjan. This is especially useful for people who are new to the city, but even for those who have lived here for awhile! You can get where you want to go by getting turn-by-turn directions whether you're driving or walking. The app will provide you with your estimated time of travel based on the traffic conditions - although this is still not 100% accurate.
You need to have a smartphone or tablet with an internet or 4G connection to receive real-time directions.